Four tracks to lead us to Co-creation
This World Summit will not only serve as a meeting point for innovative dialogue on the global agendas from the LRG perspective, but for a renewed strategy for the municipal movement as a whole, and a renewed leadership of the World Organization.
There are 4 main tracks at the World Summit, each track designed to foster the dialogues, to guide the debate and exchange process that will take place throughout the Summit, and to produce specific outcomes. UCLG core values of geographical and gender balance have been taken into consideration wherever possible.
Assembly Track
Local Action For The People
This track will have local and regional government representatives as the key drivers. It aims at allowing continental, sectoral and thematic priorities that contribute to the global policies of the Organization of Local and Regional Governments. UCLG Sections as well as sister organizations of local governments will be invited to develop position papers to be presented during the Assembly sittings.
The sittings will be organised in high level round tables organised continentally or by sector, based on positions papers developed on the run up to the Congress. The contents will be further submitted to the World Assembly of Local Regional Governments.
The World Assembly
A session of the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments will be held during the World Congress. The World Assembly is convened by the Global Taskforce and plays a role in the follow-up of the New Urban Agenda, as recognized in the Quito Outcome Document.
The World Assembly is the mechanism through which the local and regional governments constituency deliberate and agree upon its political voice in the international agenda. In order to continue playing a key role as the political voice of local and regional governments in the definition, follow- up and review of the international agendas, the World Assembly will provide a space for dialogue that allows our constituency to reflect on our policies and solutions for the coming 3 years. The outcomes from the Town Hall sessions and the Assembly sittings will be presented, discussed and adopted by the World Assembly.
Town Hall Track
Cities are Listening
Civil Society partners will be in the driver´s seat of this track. The Local Regional Government constituency recognizes the importance of collaboration with global partners, and thus this track will be the space for dialogue and interaction between different internationally organized communities, civil society, and the political leadership of the local and regional governments constituency to define our global policies, in an open format to debate and discuss policy papers on multiple themes. Different trails will be led by organised partners such as Global Platform for the Right to the City, Habitat International Coalition, World Enabled, the Huairou Commission, the General Assembly of Partners and Cities Alliance, and more.
The deliberations of the Town Hall will be on key policy areas:
- Inclusive and Accessible Cities
- Gender Equality
- Right to the City
- Slum upgrading / Informality
- Partnership for Urban Sustainable Development
Within the World Summit open debates will take place throughout various sessions (each pertaining to the themes above) in an interactive discussion among several stakeholders including local government representatives.
The result of the deliberations will be presented to the World Assembly of Local and Regional Governments.
Local4Action Track
Share | Listen | Review
The Local4Action Track should be the space where everybody feels at home! It will provide the adequate format for all the spheres of the network but also partners to participate in a cooperative process to share, listen, and review.
A menu of five different formats of sessions have been developed that will be able to accommodate all the experiences and ideas within the framework of one the following policy areas: “right to the city and inclusive territories”; “opportunities for all, culture & city diplomacy”; “territorial multilevel governance and sustainable financing”; “safer, resilient and sustainable cities, capable of facing crises”.
The deliberations of the Town Hall will be on key policy areas:
- Inspiring _ Get inspired and Inspire!
Inspirational sessions, LocalTALKS, Small Exchanges, Presentations of experiences, implementations, events, and launchings, will compose this format so as to allow an idea, a statement, an inspiration, to be expressed in this global platform of inspiring dialogue. Open to individuals, professionals, influencers, mayors, cities, etc.
- Local Policies & Voices_ Come and see what’s happening at the local level
Taking a look at the processes and experiences of creation and co-creation of policy making in the city, and understanding the implication of all levels of governance and actors in urban sustainable development will compose this format. Open to UCLG members, national government, partners of UCLG, constituency members, UCLG consultation mechanisms.
- Global Conversations _ Take a seat at the Global table!
Understanding the ongoing global conversations that address current trends and global challenges will be at the heart of this format, implicating the Global Task Force, Stakeholders, Global Partnerships and High Level exchanges, opening the Dialogue between life at local level and the global Conversation that impacts citizens’ lives. Open to Global Task Force constituency, Global Institutional Partners, Stakeholders.
- Labs _ Interact and learn
This format will be dedicated to interactive sessions such as trainings and/or specific workshops. Open to UCLG members, national government partners of UCLG, and constituency members.
The Heart of the World Summit experience: the Local4Action Hub
We are continually shaping this; come and share your ideas with us!
The Local4Action hub is an eco-system. It is designed as a dynamic and relational space where the different tracks of the UCLG World Summit & Congress interconnect and interact. It is the place to pick up the discussions that have already begun prior to the Summit, meet face-to-face or digitally and take action oriented ideas forward. It is the place to keep brainstorming on the new ideas that are being shared in the World Summit and continue connecting with communities from all over the world.
Statutory Track
UCLG Decision Making
This track is for UCLG Members only. It comprises the meetings of the governing bodies that shape the policies and work plan of the World Organization of United Cities and Local Governments. This includes leading the charge for the renewal of the UCLG Leadership.
The Statutory track will include:
- The Financial Management Committee, which is appointed by the Executive Bureau and chaired by the elected Treasurer.
- The Committee on Statutory Affairs, which is appointed by the Executive Bureau, is in charge of reviewing any issues concerning the institutional work of the organization.
- The Executive Bureau, which is responsible for initiating proposals and carrying out the decisions of the World Council, is in charge of the World Organization´s administrative and financial management.
- The General Assembly (not to be confused with the World Assembly of LRGs) gathers all members of UCLG. It has the responsibility for the overall policy, direction and oversight of the organization. It appoints the World Council resulting from an electoral process lead continentally throughout the year previous to the Congress.
- The World Council is the principle policymaking body of the World Organization. The World Council elects the UCLG Presidency.
The policy recommendations and positions gathered through the Assembly and Town Hall track will become the reference for future policy development, advocacy and work plans of both the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments and the World Organization of United Cities and Local Governments.
For the first time, the outcome of the Congress will not only be a unique declaration, but a series of integrated policy recommendations intended to guide the renewal of the overall UCLG Strategy moving into 2020 and beyond.
It should further inspire the work of the organised constituency of local and regional governments within the Global Taskforce.